Practice with Me

Join me online, live streaming, for a range of practices year-round, from regular lessons to online workshops and masterclasses. I also offer in-person classes at my school in Fuerteventura from October to December: this is NALU: Mind Body Surf, a vibrant hub for yoga and surf. When I am not there, other teachers are on the schedule!

Whether you’re looking for Tantric Hatha Yoga, Mindfulness, Yin Yoga, Breathwork for sports, or traditional Pranayama, you can connect with me from anywhere in the world. For a more immersive experience, I also offer yoga retreats and water sports camps, where you can join me in person to deepen your practice.

Explore my online offerings and join our global community of like-minded individuals. If you’re in Fuerteventura during the high season, come visit NALU for live classes and special events!

Book your online class

Body Mind Heart

My approach to personal blossoming encompasses the body, mind, and inner world. My practice is a meeting point of various disciplines I’ve cultivated over time, with traditional yoga serving as the central link. These tools come from a range of areas of wellbeing study, from breathing exercises, body resilience development, mindful movement, to deeper spiritual and transformative practices. Specifically, I teach freediving, breathing techniques and breathwork, embodiment exercises, and traditional practices such as Hatha Yoga and Meditation.

Yoga & Breathwork teacher
Yoga & Breathwork

Yoga and Breathwork

My yoga practice is rooted in the tradition of Himalayan Hatha Yoga, a lineage derived from Classical Hatha Yoga, Non-dual Tantra and Advaita Vedanta. It includes an in-depth study of the body, breath, meditation, and the nature of prana, the vital energy. This practice is synthesized through the archetypes of the moon, sun, and fire. My teaching approach combines both traditional aspects of yoga, yoga nidra, and techniques from freediving and breathwork. This integration allows for mindful practice aimed at achieving specific goals, such as combating anxiety, improving breathing and resilience in sports, or cultivating mindfulness as a way of life.

You go down to the bottom of the sea, where the water isn’t even blue anymore, where the sky is only a memory, and you float there, in the silence. J. Mayol

The Method of Traditional Hatha Yoga, Tantra & Advaita Vedanta

The method from which I share the practice is based on the teachings of the Himalayan Yoga Institute (Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, PhD), which integrates practices of Tantra from the Shri Vidya lineage, Hatha Yoga, Vedanta Philosophy, and Ayurveda. The archetypal symbols of the moon, sun, and fire are used to work in harmony, allowing practitioners to establish a clear, effective, and precise practice. To this methodology, I add wisdom and knowledge passed down to be by other scholars, teachers and traditions such as: Krishnamacharya’s and Desikachar’s Vinyasa Krama method, the Gosh Lineage (Talia Sutra), Ayurveda and Tantra (Indu Arora)


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